Brian P

Real Job: I was almost retired but darn if someone offered me a job. I work as a Project Manager for a utility construction company.
Diving Credentials: SSI Instructor, SSI Dive Guide, SSI Snorkeling Instructor, PADI Master Scuba Diver, DAN DEMP Certified
Personal Passions: I do love the water and have found scuba diving to be one of my passions. I enjoy being a volunteer diver at the Downtown Aquarium and look forward to becoming a dive guide there.
Favorite Non-Diving Activities: I find spending time with our grand-babies very satisfying; I tend to get us in trouble. I enjoy photography (both above and below the surface) because you can hunt and shoot things without all the mess! I like to play ice hockey, work out at the gym and go for extended bicycle rides.
Favorite Food: I do like Italian dishes and, if it’s chocolate, I’ll eat it.
Favorite Dive Location: I really enjoy the South Pacific part of this Big Blue Marble with Lembeh Strait, Indonesia being one of my favorites. I am always open to trying new dive locations.