First Aid – CPR and Emergency Oxygen Course
Learn To Save Lives With A-1 Scuba & Travel Aquatics Center
Whether you’re at the scene of an accident or witnessing a health-related emergency, most people will be involved in a crisis situation at some point in their lives. Are you prepared to help? Do you have the skills to respond quickly? We teach all of our First Aid & CPR courses through Divers Alert Network (DAN). DAN is a nonprofit, dive safety organization designed to assist scuba divers with emergency medical advice and assistance for all types of scuba diving injuries.

DAN Basic Life Support, First Aid, and Emergency Oxygen Course
This course helps you identify various emergencies and teaches you how to properly administer first aid. The program integrates the knowledge and skills from the DAN Basic Life Support: First Aid and CPR, AED use and Emergency Oxygen for Scuba Diving Injuries.
Please note: These courses can be taken separately – PLEASE CALL TO REGISTER
Developed by medical experts, DAN’s courses are easy to understand and designed to provide you with the skills and confidence you need to respond in emergency situations. DAN first aid courses prepare divers to manage injuries related to scuba diving. All courses meet the 2010 ILCOR and AHA CPR guidelines. The training can also extend to other environments. Isn’t it worth a few hours one evening or weekend to learn the skills that could save a life?