About A-1 Scuba

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So far A-1 Scuba has created 183 blog entries.
21 March 2012

The Wildlife Experience Dives into Underwater Art

2017-03-30T15:59:19-06:00March 21st, 2012|A-1 News|

The Wildlife Experience Dives into Underwater Art. Art of the Dive/Portraits of the Deep, a collection of artwork portraying underwater wildlife and habitats opens March 24th at the Wildlife Experience. It consists of paintings and sculptures from leading wildlife artists [...]

21 March 2012

Photo/Video Tip – Flooded Camera?

2017-04-06T10:13:58-06:00March 21st, 2012|Photo Tips|

"Uh oh! I see water in my camera!" Those of you that have developed a love for taking underwater pictures have probably had that thought before. If you haven't, it isn't a matter of "if" but "when?". There are some [...]

1 March 2012


2017-03-30T16:01:35-06:00March 1st, 2012|Travel|

May 15-19, 2012. 4 nights from Los Angeles to Victoria, BC. Departing from Los Angeles, spend two days at sea, full day in Victoria and then disembark on Saturday, May 19th. Pricing: Inside from $199 per person* Oceanview from $299 [...]

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