We are saddened at the recent unexpected loss of our dear friend Dave Hogan. Dave had been teaching at A-1 for several years and leaves behind an endless list of divers and friends. Dave touched so many and made an ever-lasting impression on those who knew him. Comments include: kind, upbeat, always smiling, gentle…………. See below how Dave’s dear mother describes Dave and his love of diving.

“Super Dave”
Dear A-1 staff and divers,
I am Dave Hogan’s mother. I am thinking of you all this morning and know how many of you are hurting because of Dave’s loss to us. Dave and I had a beautiful connection, in person and by phone since I live in Michigan and am quite old. I wanted you all to know how important you all were to him, he mentioned all of you by name many times and was so happy with his life and association with A-1 Scuba. He would say to me, “how lucky can a guy be? I say I’m going to the office and then run down and jump in the pool” I have to say he was at the happiest point of his life, he was serene and at peace with himself and so happy with what he was doing, makes his passing a little more bearable. I thought this morning if diving could bring this much joy to him and sharing it with others, I hope God is sharing the universe with him. So many stories he shared with me about you all, by name, that I couldn’t relate to you but know for sure you were all loved and so were his students. Thank you all for being such an important part of David’s life.
Sincerely and Fondly,
Mary Murphy, proud mother